Wald Einsamkeit-Festspielhaus-Bregenzer Festspiele-YL male voice choir im Wald


Events & Tickets

25 July 2025 – 7.30 p.m.
Pfarrkirche Herz Jesu, Bregenz


The YL Male Voice Choir from Finland is a pioneer in Finnish male choir music and considered one of the best male choirs in the world. Established in 1883 at the University of Helsinki as Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat, the choir has ever since impressed nationally as well as internationally with their a cappella repertoire but also with choral symphonic performances with leading orchestras and conductors. Since April 2010, Pasi Hyökki has been the musical director of the YL.

Works by Galina Grigorjeva, Eero Grundström, Toivo Kuula, Leevi Madetoja, Selim Palmgren, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Jean Sibelius, Mikko Sidoroff, Juuso Vanonen sowie Franz Schubert, Arnold Schönberg

YL Male Voice Choir
Choirmaster Pasi Hyökki

Bregenzer Festspiele