Sehn's; das is' weanarisch-Festspielhaus-Bregenzer Festspiele-Symphonisches Schrammelquintett Wien

Sehn’s, das is’ weanarisch

Wiener Symphoniker close up

Events & Tickets

2 August 2025 – 7 p.m.
Festspielhaus, Seestudio


The Viennese song “Wenn’s die Geigen heimlich streicheln” is reminiscent of the old Viennese folk music known as “Schrammelmusik”, which is the style of music that the Symphonisches Schrammelquintett Wien devoted itself to. So “when they intimately play their violins” magic unfolds. With the characteristic line-up of two violins, a G clarinet, a button accordion and a contraguitar they play dances, waltzes, marches, polkas, gallops and songs following in the footsteps of the legendary brothers Johann and Josef Schrammel. During their performance they invite you on a nostalgic journey to 19th century Vienna– just like in Peter Alexander’s song “Sehn’s, das is weanarisch!” (lit. “You see, that’s Viennese), which explains what it is like to be from Vienna.

Works of Josef Lanner, Johann Schrammel, Josef Schrammel, Johann Strauss (father), Johann Strauss (son) i. a.

Symphonisches Schrammelquintett Wien

Helmut Lackinger, Alexandra Winkler

Kurt Franz Schmid

Viennese button accordion
Ingrid Eder

Heinz Hromada



Bregenzer Festspiele